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No.1175  Re:cygcheck -k は何をする?
発言者: a
発言日: 2003 05/18 22:50
$ cygcheck --help
Usage: cygcheck [OPTIONS] [program ...]
-c, --check-setup check packages installed via setup.exe
-s, --sysinfo system information (not with -k)
-v, --verbose verbose output (indented) (for -s or programs)
-r, --registry registry search (requires -s)
-k, --keycheck perform a keyboard check session (not with -s)
-h, --help give help about the info (not with -c)
-V, --version output version information and exit
You must at least give either -s or -k or a program name


1174:cygcheck -k は何をする? [倉谷智尋] 05/18
 ├1175:Re:cygcheck -k は何をする? [a] 05/18
 └1176:Re:cygcheck -k は何をする? [中島] 05/19 <

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