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No.778  KDEについて
発言者: pon
発言日: 2002 12/03 12:20
#! /bin/sh
export DISPLAY=
eval `ssh-agent`

# Cleanup from last run.
rm -rf /tmp/.X11-unix

# Startup the X Server, the twm window manager, and an xterm.
# Notice that the window manager and the xterm will wait for
# the server to finish starting before trying to connect; the
# error "Cannot Open Display:" is not due to the
# clients attempting to connect before the server has started, rather
# that error is due to a bug in some versions of cygwin1.dll. Upgrade
# to the latest cygwin1.dll if you get the "Cannot Open Display" error.
# See the Cygwin/XFree86 FAQ for more information:
# The error "Fatal server error: could not open default font 'fixed'" is
# caused by using a DOS mode mount for the mount that the Cygwin/XFree86
# fonts are accessed through. See the Cygwin/XFree86 FAQ for more
# information:

# Start the X Server.
XWin -screen 0 1024 768 &

# Start the twm window manager.
twm &

# Set a background color to hide that nasty X stipple.
xsetroot -solid aquamarine4

# Start an xterm.
xterm -n xterm-1 -j -ls -sb -sl 500 -rightbar -geometry +361+0 -e bash &

# Return from sh.


778:KDEについて [pon] 12/03
 ├785:Re:KDEについて [pon] 12/04
 │└793:Re[2]:KDEについて [MSだす。] 12/06
 │ └796:申し訳ありません [pon] 12/06
 │  └797:Re:申し訳ありません [MSだす。] 12/06 <

Pass 保存
