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No.1899  Re[7]:apacheをサービス登録で起動したい
発言者: discypus
発言日: 2004 02/13 21:09

$ cygrunsrv -I httpd -d "CYGWIN httpd (apache)" -p /usr/sbin/httpd.exe -a "-F"


BEWARE: If you have installed 1.3.x-y from the cygwin net distribution
prior to version 1.3.29-y and are using the "-k" option that is passed
to cygrunsrv to leave the main parent process bound to the shell and not
to detach from the shell, the new option is now "-F". This change is due
to the fact that the "-k" switch was a cygwin specific patch and the "-F"
switch is now the "official switch" for it.


ですので、cygrunsrvの引数に -a -k の代わりに -a -F を渡せばできるかもしれません。


$ cygcheck -c cygwin apache
Cygwin Package Information
Package Version Status
apache 1.3.29-2 OK
cygwin 1.5.7-1 OK


$ cygrunsrv -I httpd -d "Cygwin httpd" -p /usr/sbin/httpd -a -F


1890:apacheをサービス登録で起動したい [naoya] 02/12
 └1893:Re:apacheをサービス登録で起動したい [naoya] 02/13
  └1894:Re[2]:apacheをサービス登録で起動したい [りう] 02/13
   └1895:Re[3]:apacheをサービス登録で起動したい [naoya] 02/13
    └1896:Re[4]:apacheをサービス登録で起動したい [naoya] 02/13
     └1897:Re[5]:apacheをサービス登録で起動したい [naoya] 02/13
      └1898:Re[6]:apacheをサービス登録で起動したい [naoya] 02/13
       └1899:Re[7]:apacheをサービス登録で起動したい [discypu] 02/13
        └1900:Re[8]:apacheをサービス登録で起動したい [naoya] 02/13 <

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